Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Refrigerated Containers – An overview

One of the most popular containers searched for on ContainerAuction.com are refrigerated containers, or 'reefers'. The questions that we receive have all been fairly consistent, so we decided to write an overview of reefer containers and some facts and uses of them.

Just as the name implies, refrigerated containers are capable of keeping goods cool, but they don't stop there. Reefer containers can be set to maintain temperatures between -13F (-25C) to 77F (25C). They are heavily insulated and can keep products frozen, refrigerated, or at a consistent temperature.

The exterior dimensions of a reefer container are consistent with the standard container sizes (40', 20', and in some cases 10'), this makes them easier to transport and integrated into existing intermodal transport methods. Due to the insulation reefer containers have interior dimensions that are a few inches smaller than standard dry containers.

Refrigerated containers are typically equipped with a three phase electrical supply to power the generator and refrigeration unit. Once loaded on-board the ship they are connected to an on-board power supply to maintain the desired temperature. If the on-board power supply isn't enough to meet the demands of the reefer units an additional "power pack" that's equipped with a large diesel generator may be used to keep the system charged. While at the terminal the ship and containers are connected to the terminals power supply. Once the container transported in some intermodal (road or rail) method it is powered by a generator set, commonly called 'genset'.

ContainerAuction.com regularly has refrigerated containers available on the auction and they're typically purchased by farmers, hospitals, or even ice cream producers. It's important to check the description before you decided to purchase a reefer container as some are listed with 'non-working machinery'. These are still quality containers, and even though the refrigeration unit isn't working they are still well insulated and have many good uses.

If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding refrigerated containers don't hesitate to contact ContainerAuction and we'll gladly provide insight with the experiences that we've had.

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